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Painkiller - Battle Out of Hell: The History and Legacy of the PC Game


The game is inspired by first-person shooters such as Quake, Doom and Serious Sam, with the emphasis on killing large numbers of monsters. The game is divided into five chapters, each about five levels long. The player's objective is to get through each level, from start to finish, by slaughtering hundreds of monsters. Fighting monsters often occurs in mass battles, where the player has to fight an attack by a swarm of enemies in a large room, while the exits shut and heavy metal music plays in the background, and after such a battle, the player passes a "checkpoint" which advances the game, the exits open up again, and the music returns to the usual softer tune played in the level. One of the game's most important aspects is its diversity, with each level presenting a new location with various themes and graphic styles. The levels include castles, monasteries, an opera house, graveyards, and more. Monsters are also very different, with new ones almost every level. There are five "boss" levels where the player fights a boss.

The story continues where the original left off: Lucifer is killed and his position as ruler of Hell is now free. Alastor, one of four hell generals Daniel Garner was assigned to kill in the original game, appears with a horde of demons and confronts Daniel, who now has to retreat with the help of Eve. Daniel's new goal is to battle out of hell and eliminate Alastor, who is now rightful ruler of the demonic forces. Before confronting his powerful enemy, Daniel visits such places as an orphanage full of possessed children, a hellish circus named Loony Park, a pirate bay, coliseums, Necropolis, and even a twisted version of World War II Leningrad. After Daniel kills Alastor, Eve absorbs Alastor's power, to Daniel's surprise. She transforms into the new ruler of hell, and thanks Daniel for allowing her to take control. Eve offers Daniel the chance to rule by her side, but Daniel refuses. Eve then invites Daniel to leave and join Catherine in Heaven, but Daniel again refuses, and begins firing his gun at Eve as the screen fades to black.

Painkiller - Battle Out of Hell pc game

The game is narrated through animated text messages, and starts when Belial, the hero of Painkiller: Overdose, saves Daniel Garner from Eve, the current queen of Hell. Together, Daniel and Belial fight a big battle through her minions in Purgatory, until they have found Bill Sherman, the protagonist of Painkiller: Resurrection. With Bill's help, they are able to strike at Eve. The game ends with the surprising arrival of Samael, an angel of God who once tasked Daniel with destroying Hell's leaders. With Eve defeated, Samael plans to use the dark essence left by her to become a new ruler of Hell. The game concludes with Belial and Daniel understanding that the battle is not yet over.

The story continues where the original left off: Lucifer is killed and his position as ruler of Hell is now free. Alastor, one of four Hell generals Daniel Garner was assigned to kill in the original game, appears with a horde of demons and confronts Daniel, but Eve, who had been taken to Hell by Lucifer and was in the process of being rescued by Daniel, revives and uses a spell to get herself and Daniel out of Hell and back to Purgatory. Daniel's new goal is to eliminate Alastor, who is now the rightful ruler of the demonic forces. Before confronting his powerful enemy, Daniel visits such places as an orphanage full of possessed children, a hellish amusement park, a pirate bay, colosseums, a necropolis, and a twisted version of World War II Leningrad. After taking out Alastor, Eve thanks Daniel for allowing her to take control. Eve offers Daniel the chance to rule by her side, but Daniel, pointing his gun at Eve, refuses and the screen fades to black.

The final conflict is better than the original in some ways and worse in other ways. The environment isn't nearly as remarkable as in the first game, though that's an admittedly tough act to follow. On the bright side, however, the boss itself is a lot less frustrating to fight. There's still a puzzle to killing him, but it's not as ridiculously counterintuitive. In fact, the developers appear to have gotten better at designing boss battles. The few boss battles that are scattered throughout the game's levels are still mostly puzzle-based, but the puzzles are a little more reasonable.

Painkiller: Battle Out of Hell is the first expansion for Painkiller, released in 2004. In the game, created by Polish studio People Can Fly, we play as Daniel Garner who, after his death, went on a crusade against Lucifer himself. The expansion starts where the original Painkiller has ended. What is interesting is that the developers also took into account the secret ending from the original game. Garner defeated Lucifer but his place is immediately taken by Alastor. The hero must stop the demon but also get out of hell and finally reach heaven where he can meet his wife.

The campaign in the expansion has ten, very complex, levels. The time required to complete this game on normal difficulty is about twenty hours. Just like in the original Painkiller, all levels have their unique style. Players can visit places such as a demonic version of Stalingrad, a battlefield known from the Second World War.

The tenth level is the final boss battle, and it looks really cool. Set in a dramatic fiery post-apocalyptic wasteland, the level plays with the classic videogame trope of giving you more stuff before a boss battle by creating a long trail of items consisting of literally every weapon in the game. 2ff7e9595c

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